
1st State Bank’s headquarters is right here in the Great Lakes Bay Region.

Which might not seem like a big deal. Until you’re in a situation where it’s a big deal. Such as an unusual or complicated loan package that doesn’t fit the neat little check boxes of a big bank’s forms. Or a highly time-sensitive transaction. Or a loan that depends as much on your history, your vision and your record as it does on the paperwork.

At 1st State, the people who make decisions about your loans and deposits are the people you meet with — or, if necessary, somebody just down the hall. You’ll always be able to talk to a real, live decision-maker. You’ll always be able to quickly get questions answered and problems resolved. You’ll be working with people who understand the specific needs of businesses in the Great Lakes Bay Region.

So while many banks have offices here, there’s only one that’s truly "in town" ... only one that's truly “in touch.” In every sense that matters to you. Learn more.